Fascia Freedom Challenge: 5 Days to Release Stress, Pain, & Anxiety (Online)
Learn simple techniques to release physical pain, and stress and anxiety will melt away.
5 x 30-minute practical lessons over five days
6 x teaching videos about fascia
An online community where your questions are answered
Only $120 to join - with lifetime access
Reduce your physical pain + stress and anxiety now!
The link between the mind and the body is undeniable. When you feel pain in your body, it releases stress chemicals and leads to stress and anxiety. Likewise, stress and anxiety (and their associated chemical release) lead to physical tightness and pain.Beautifully, when we release our physical body, it has a profound effect on our mind. I have seen this in over ten years of working with the body. Science also backs this up!
Book below for your five days to Fascia Freedom
*Note: After purchasing please check your email for instructions on how to access the challenge.*
Learn simple techniques to release physical pain, and stress and anxiety will melt away.
5 x 30-minute practical lessons over five days
6 x teaching videos about fascia
An online community where your questions are answered
Only $120 to join - with lifetime access
Reduce your physical pain + stress and anxiety now!
The link between the mind and the body is undeniable. When you feel pain in your body, it releases stress chemicals and leads to stress and anxiety. Likewise, stress and anxiety (and their associated chemical release) lead to physical tightness and pain.Beautifully, when we release our physical body, it has a profound effect on our mind. I have seen this in over ten years of working with the body. Science also backs this up!
Book below for your five days to Fascia Freedom
*Note: After purchasing please check your email for instructions on how to access the challenge.*
Learn simple techniques to release physical pain, and stress and anxiety will melt away.
5 x 30-minute practical lessons over five days
6 x teaching videos about fascia
An online community where your questions are answered
Only $120 to join - with lifetime access
Reduce your physical pain + stress and anxiety now!
The link between the mind and the body is undeniable. When you feel pain in your body, it releases stress chemicals and leads to stress and anxiety. Likewise, stress and anxiety (and their associated chemical release) lead to physical tightness and pain.Beautifully, when we release our physical body, it has a profound effect on our mind. I have seen this in over ten years of working with the body. Science also backs this up!
Book below for your five days to Fascia Freedom
*Note: After purchasing please check your email for instructions on how to access the challenge.*